

Revolutionizing Case Deflection with Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Greater Customer Satisfaction

In today’s customer-centric organizations case deflection or self-service is an essential component of achieving greater customer satisfaction.  Case deflection can be used for customer support and also to serve internal...

Banking Financial Services

AI Trends Coming Up in 2019

In 2018, we saw technologies based on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) evolve rapidly, finding homes in various platforms, software, and devices across a range of verticals. Whether in the automobil...

Banking Financial Services

RAP – Summary of Achievements for 2018

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is disrupting a range of industries from banking to healthcare, with exciting new opportunities. It is a new era, and the stuff of science fiction is becoming fact with driverless cars and AI...

Banking Financial Services

AI for Lease Abstraction

AI is making its presence felt in a range of industries from banking and insurance to manufacturing and health care. This is just the tipping point, the dawn of a new age where AI will play a major role in our work and p...

Financial Services Research Technology

AI-Powered Invoice Recognition & Processing

AI is a hot topic these days and it is steadily permeating a range of industries as well as our everyday lives. Alexa and Siri are at our beck and call and AI is often part of our daily transactions without us even knowi...

Email Messages Network Circuit Board Link Connection Technology
Research Technology

AI Makes Quick Work of Customer Service Emails

AI is becoming part of our daily lives both in our personal lives and in the workplace. Alexa, Siri and Netflix all involve interacting with AI algorithms. The rise of the machines is quieter than the Hollywood version b...

Banking Research Technology

Drowning in Forms? AI to the Rescue

When you hear the term AI, perhaps you think of driverless cars or robot assistants. Science fiction seems to be turning to reality right under our noses. However, there are a range of less glamorous but highly impactful...

Banking Research Technology

AI Chatbots Will Transform Banking

AI in the movies seems esoteric and even threatening to mankind’s future. However, the reality of AI is that is it becoming pervasive in everyday life, as well as several industries including manufacturing, insurance and...

Research Technology

AI in Sales

While AI was the stuff of science fiction not so long ago, it is becoming a tangible reality today. From self-driving cars to virtual assistants, advances in AI are having a very real impact on our lives. AI is being put...

Research Technology

6 AI Technologies Your Enterprise Needs

Many companies do not recognize the scope for AI solutions in their organizations. However, AI can be leveraged for a number of advantages in enterprises such as increased operational efficiency, prediction of customer n...