Introduction As we navigate through 2023, a significant storyline unfolds within the hospitality industry—the widespread adoption of technology and Automation. This year marked a pivotal phase where digita...
A year ago, Mark, the floor manager at a manufacturing company, would be up past midnight, buried in a sea of parts catalogs. He would be racing against time, trying to find the right parts for the assembly line that was...
As tax season 2024 approaches, CFOs of shared services are gearing up for the annual whirlwind of numbers and deadlines. This year, there’s a fresh emphasis on leveraging AI and hyperautomation to tackle the worklo...
Parts cross-referencing is a crucial yet meticulous process in manufacturing, ensuring the right fit and precise functionality across various products. The manual endeavor of matching the correct parts is akin to finding...
It’s that time of the year again budgets are allocated. It’s imperative that the hospitality industry prioritizes technology in their budgets, especially for technology that improves the speed of back-office operat...
Common Area Maintenance (CAM) is a cornerstone in property management, ensuring the upkeep and appeal of shared spaces within a property. From lobbies to parking lots, these spaces are essential for the well-being and sa...
In the intricate world of real estate, title processing stands as one of the most crucial yet challenging components. It’s a procedure that ensures the buyer legitimately obtains the rights to a property. However, ...
The hospitality industry, with its vastness and diversity, continues to be a significant contributor to the US economy. From luxury resorts to budget motels, the sector caters to a wide range of customers, ensuring that ...
Introduction In a recent Harvard Business Review article, the growing importance of programming skills across various industries was highlighted, emphasizing the value of these skills for professionals in diverse fie...
If you work in finance, you know the drill. Lots of numbers, lots of paperwork, limited time and the constant worry of making errors. But things are changing. Automated accounting firms use technology to do the tedious m...